Integrating Green Infrastructure into Lille’s urban landscape

This pilot targets heat stress, drought, air and water pollution and loss of biodiversity
The City of Lille suffers from heat stress due to climate change. A series of Green Infrastructure approaches have been implemented to reduce summer temperatures in the most vulnerable communities.
Pilot location


Project phase



(Sub)urban residential area

The natural heritage and landscape of Lille is varied, composed of parks, gardens, wastelands and wetlands, soils and fortifications – each a reservoir of biodiversity. Yet, the pressure of urbanisation is places these under threat. The increase in grey infrastructure enhances risks such as flooding, drought, and heat stress. In this pilot more green infrastructure (GI) has been integrated into Lille’s urban landscape to mitigate these risks.

The project consisted of the implementation of a package of individual greening projects in priority areas and neighbourhoods, identified in relation to three key factors:

  1. Heat-stress levels;
  2. High population density and
  3. Specific socio-economic challenges.

In 3 high priority inner city urban areas 300 trees have been planted. About 1000 pits for climbing plants and other forms of micro-vegetation, such as the use of planters for additional vegetation, have been implemented in 3 priority residential neighbourhoods. In addition, 3000 trees were planted in micro-afforestation projects in 3 areas situated between the city centre and more suburban areas. These micro-afforestation projects take advantage of the greater space for planting and further mitigate against the impacts of heat stress across the city. They also provide a habitat for insects, birds and small animals.

Through strong community engagement, the pilot builds more sustainable communities by addressing major environmental issues. Residential consultations played a key part in the greening of neighbourhoods. Through the pilot, 60 community events were held in which residents and school children participated in the planting activities. 


Municipality of Lille
Robin Fourré

Place Augustin Laurent
59033 Lille Cedex